That’s the crucial reason why dental negligence lawsuits are prevalent and even complicated in nature, because there are countless circumstances which make each different than any other.
Dental negligence occurs when accidents result through carelessness mishaps, improper administration and inadequate diagnoses. It involves every kind of practitioner in the field from the general dentist to orthodontists to oral surgeons.
Types of Dental Negligence:
Below are the descriptions of the 3 kinds of negligence:
1. Careless Work - Employing an incorrect method or a proper method improperly, causing accidental mishaps due to inattentiveness.
2. Incorrect Administration of Treatment - Booking infrequent or too frequent treatments; prescribing under-dosed, overdosed medication or incorrect medication; conducting procedures improperly; and neglecting to perform background checks on patient’s medical history.
3. Misdiagnosis - Neglecting to identify or wrongly diagnosing conditions, along with neglecting to inform patients of the diagnoses or misdiagnoses in a timely manner.
Kinds of Problems:
The three previously discussed categories cover these and much more: Below are a few of the most common circumstances.
- Air embolisms
- Anesthesia
- Dental implant surgery
- Drill injuries
- Endodontic Procedures
- Extractions
- Infections
- Instrument disruptions in canals or orifices
- Lack of proper consent
- Lack of referral to specialists
- Lingual nerve damage
- Mandible fractions
- Medical Dosage
- Needle fractures
- Negligent to follow up
- Non-existent or insufficient x-rays
- Overhanging restoration
- Poor occlusions
- Root resorption
- Sinus perforations
- TMJ injuries
- X-Tip fractures
Dental negligence claims are against the health care professional who is the reason for the injury. People who undergo injuries due to malpractice are entitled to gain compensation for their damage and suffering one way or the other, as the patient’s well being is definitely of first concern.
In case you have been recently involved in a case of dental negligence and you want clarity and direction, speak to a Personal Injury lawyer straight away for an evaluation.
Claims such as this have a Statue of Limitations (usually about 2 years, but each state is different), so you should not wait. Don’t lose out on what you rightfully and legally serve-act now!
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